Special video from my fruitarian transformation, or should I say, LOVEARIAN transformation! =D …
Fruitarian Diet Leads to HUGE Discovery
This video from Fruit Diet Day 19 is very special because it includes the greatest discovery I have made since I got involved with the fruitarian diet. The discovery being that in fact, all things grow with love.
For those who don’t know, a lovearian is someone who only consumes love in order to survive. This is a step further from breatharians, who only consume air to survive. Lovearianism is breatharianism on steroids.. 😉
We can get into fruitarianism and the fruitarian diet. We can argue all day about all fruit diets vs. high fruit diets, we can also talk about the vegan diet and the raw vegan diet and every diet there is in the world. At the end of the day. All things grow with love.
Surely enough, our ancestors were frugivores, and we are too, that being said, I believe we are also spirit beings, with an metaphysical body that is connected to everything that every was, is and will be. Coming from a Bhakti Yoga practice (devotional yoga) it is no surprise that this would make sense.
I still plan on experimenting with different fruitarian diets and I still have goals to become a fruitarian bodybuilder but it seems clear that sooner or later, I will become a lovearian, I am not sure if it will be before or after becoming a breatharian but I surely see this in my future.
In the mean time I enjoy following a fruitarian/raw vegan diet and staying close to my vegan ideals. It all starts with veganism, once that seed is in, the rest is just transition after transition.
I am sure that all those who follow a fruit based diet over long periods of time come to similar conclusions. If not, at least they surely ponder on the idea of leaving on air alone, and maybe not even needing air. Who knows…. We will see 😉
As always, I am happy learning that I am a frugivore and experimenting with an all fruit diet.