Here is another awesome poem I found by Mango Wodzak. This one is called “Fruit, Not Flesh!”. It pairs up very well with Mango’s firs poem, “I used to be zombie“. Both of these poems tell a personal story about Mago Wodzak’s transition from eating animal flesh to becoming a vegan. They are specially enjoyable to fruitarians but I am sure that those who follow a vegan diet will love them too.
Mango Wodzak is the author of the best two books I have ever read on the fruitarian diet. His first book is called Destination Eden: Fruitarianism Explained and his new book is called The Eden Fruitarian Guidebook. I strongly recomend you read both of them, they are absolutely excellent.
Bellow this text you will find a video containing Mango Wodzak’s poem, narrated by Mango himself. The images next to the video contain Mango’s books.
I hope you like them. =D