This fruitarian moved to Cuenca Ecuador because it was an easier place to practice fruitarianism.
Truth is that I didn’t follow much of a fruitarian diet while I was in Vilcabamba, there wasn’t much fruit there. Sure, I know there are different types of fruitarian diets and I could have adhere to one of them but I want to eat and all fruit diet. That is the only way I can consider myself a real fruitarian bodybuilder.
The good news is that now that I am here in Cuenca, with so much fruit available, I might be able to start experimenting with different fruitarian recipes. I also might experience an even more intense fruitarian weight loss change since I will be eating more fruit than usual.
I know other fruitarians may think that I am not a TRUE fruitarian because sometimes I fall of the diet. Well, I guess it depends on your definition of what is a fruitarian. Some vegan and raw vegans call themselves fruitarians but they don’t eat 100% fruit, at least I admit to know the difference.
Yup, there is true fruitarianism and then there are fruit based diets and things like that. Either way, I am happy knowing that humans are frugivores and that fruit is my friend. 🙂