Like I told you before, it has been hard to be a fruitarian here in Vilcabamba, maybe harder than it was in Colorado. I wasn’t able to get enough fruit so I ended up going back to old patterns and eating cooked vegan food. I even had a bite of some pizza with everything being so out of whack.
Luckily I was finally able to find a market and purchase a lot of fruit so I am back to following a fruitarian diet. This is great because I actually got sick from eating so much garbage.
Luckily the Saturday market had a lot of organic fruit and I was able to get some, sadly the fruit is not high quality, despite being organic.
Again, it is hard to follow a fruitarian diet with so little good fruit around and this is why I am so angry and sad. I came to Vilcabamba to become a fruitarian bodybuilder and found my self with all sorts of challenge and much less than an abundance of fruit. This is similar to what happened when I went to Hawaii. I thought that the tropics would be a heaven for fruitarians and the perfect place to practice fruitarianism, still fruit is not as abundant as I thought it would be. Even being a raw vegan is rough with so little organic fruits and vegetables. In Hawaii the prices where crazy, I remember once I paid $6 for a bunch of celery and it wasn’t so great. The issue there is that much produce is shipped from the main land. In fact, I believe only 6% of the food consumed in the state of Hawaii is actually grown there, and much of it is likely to be animal products, so not a lot of fruit conscious people around the tropics I guess…