Humans are frugivores – this fact cannot be emphasized enough. The importance of this statement lies in understanding the frugivore definition and our natural diet. A frugivore is an animal that mainly feeds on fruit, although there is a lot of controversy around the amount of fruit an animal must consume to be considered a frugivore. While many herbivores and omnivores eat fruit, they are not considered true frugivores or fruitarians. On the other hand, primates, bats, and birds that feed mainly on fruit are classified as true frugivores.
However, when it comes to humans, many people find it difficult to accept that we are anatomical, biological, and physiological frugivores because we consume so many foods that are not fruit, such as animal products, grains, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, throughout our lives. This misbelief and misbehavior do not take away the fact that humans are frugivores. But how do we know that humans are frugivores when we see so many of us consuming non-fruit-based foods? The answer is simple – by studying nature and science.
By comparing the anatomy of humans to other frugivores, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, we can clearly see that humans are frugivores by nature. The frugivore chart shows the similarities and differences between different animal species. It is easy to see that humans are frugivores when we look at our clearly defined frugivore teeth, the length of our digestive track, and the absence of claws and predatory instincts.
Despite this, many people still struggle to accept that humans are frugivores. This is due to social conditioning that starts from the moment we are born. However, we can’t deny the truth – humans are frugivores.
The frugivore diet consists mainly of fruits, much like a fruitarian diet. Different species of frugivorous animals, such as bats, chimps, and birds, prefer different types and quantities of fruit, with some opting for a frugivore diet consisting of only fruits, while others include shoots and leaves. Humans, too, can eat like an omnivore and survive for many years, but we are still frugivores by nature. Our “frugivore diet” may contain a wide range of foods, from fruits only, to spirulina, animal products, and the latest “super food”. At the end of the day, the fact remains – humans are frugivores, and we should eat fruit.
Despite the fact that humans are frugivores, there are still those who hold a different point of view. If you want to read more about a different perspective, you can click here.
Finally, we should acknowledge that frugivore bodybuilding is also possible. While the idea of a fruitarian bodybuilder may seem implausible to some, the reality is that many athletes and bodybuilders have achieved their desired results on a frugivore diet. It may not be easy, but it is possible.
In conclusion, we need to understand that humans are frugivores by nature, and that our diet should primarily consist of fruit. While many of us may have difficulty accepting this fact due to social conditioning, it is important to understand that we are anatomically and biologically adapted to a frugivorous diet. Whether we choose to follow a strict fruitarian diet or consume a variety of foods, we should keep in mind that at our core, humans are frugivores.