Today was our rest day and I took that to town. I slept all the way to 9 a.m. and had a full day of eating raw foods. It was awesome.
An Easy Morning and a Mellow Flow
Last night I went to bed at midnight, I stayed up finishing yesterday’s blog. This morning I had no plans, no responsibilities and not much to do at all.
By the time I made it to the kitchen I noticed everyone was gone. I grabbed four papayas and took them upstairs to the community room. Then I turned on my camera and made a short video filming myself while eating and talking to the camera. It was a lot of fun. I would love to show it to you but I still don’t know how to edit and upload my videos. Everything on its own time.
Too Many Papayas and Working on Sam’s E-Book
I got to say that four papayas were too many, three would had been enough. I ended up forcing myself to eat four because that is how many I had started with and I wanted to perform. I noticed that has been a habit lately, I need to cut that off.
After my papaya binge I rested for half an hour and then worked on Sam’s book. You may recall that she is writing an e-book about raw foods and the raw vegan diet. I am helping her with edits and other reviews. She has a lot of great content, I look forward to sharing her book with you.
Progressing with My Workouts
We had made plans to go on a run but it took us too long to get ready. Instead I went to the Kanekiki gym and got my fruitarian workout on. This time I filmed parts of it and made some comments along the way. The video quality isn’t great and my cinematographic skills are clearly lacking, especially with the wrong tools. That beings said, I am glad I got started with those videos and I am sure they will continue to improve as I go on.
The workout went pretty well. I did three rounds of my circuit routine. I even added some weight to my squats and a couple extra exercises. I decided to do three rounds instead of four because three was the number I had originally planned on and towards the end, to be honest, I was tired and unmotivated.
Instead of doing a fourth round I went upstairs with the intention to do some yoga but the mat I chose was slippery and the energy wasn’t there. I decided not to force myself to do anything I didn’t want to. Instead I went downstairs to the kitchen and made myself a smoothie.

Smiling at the Kanekiki gym
Raw Foods, Sex and Heavy Flow
The following hour was spent in the kitchen, hanging out with my fellow “Kanekikieans”. We talked about all sorts of things, mainly diets, of course. We also touched on sexuality, the porn industry and other personal topics. I feel that I learned a lot. We truly have some enlightening conversation at this farm.
One interesting thing I learned is that many of the people here, including myself, have experienced a decrease in their sex drive since they went raw (as in raw vegan). We all see this as a good thing and agree that western society is too sexual and that we would do better if we would tone it down a bit. I will be talking more about the relationship between sexuality and raw foods on a different blog.
Another thing we talked about was the relationship between women periods and raw foods. Apparently, many women who go raw stop having their period. They stop bleeding once a month and their cramps go away. I found this fascinating but apparently the correlation is not perfect. Some women still get their period after going raw. I would need to do more research on this to understand what is going on but it looks like the main factor here is detoxification.
Filming My Walk
Around 4 p.m. I put on my shoes and went on a walk. This was the first time that I wore my GoPro vest and carried my camera on my walk. As I strolled through the dirt roads near the farm I filmed the path ahead of me and talked.
I ended up making two different videos, each about 20 minutes long. One of them was about my current experience in Hawaii. I touched on the topics of diet, community, whether and more. The other video was about following our dreams. I think they are both quite insightful and I am excited to share them with you.

Walking around the neighborhood
Getting Myself Filled up with Dinner: NO MORE
I made it back to the farm at exactly 4:59 p.m. just in time to get my food out of the fridge before the cutoff time (we are not allowed to open the fridge after 5 p.m. in order to conserve energy.
I placed everything I had on a cutting board: Cabbage, carrots, avocado and a lemon. I chopped everything very small and asked Sam for some nori sheets. I had been craving nori all day. I made a salad with the vegetables and added some raw tahini sauce on top. I then mixed it all up and rolled up some nori rolls.
The meal was delicious but it was clearly too much. I decided to eat it all, even thought I could had save some for tomorrow. I noticed that I keep over eating and I don’t want to do this anymore. This is why I decided that I will no longer overeat. There really isn’t any good reason to do this. Food here is abundant and at no point I will go hungry at the farm.
Even if it was possible to go hungry at some point, over eating is not the solution. Overeating in order to save food for going bad is not a good reason either. I noticed I do that a lot and I am ready to let that go. Overeating because I am bored is another habit that I need to let go. All of this becomes more and clearer as the days go by.
Overeating is a battle I have been fighting for a while, with both cooked foods and raw foods. I think it is time to challenge this habits and notice how my life improves with a new approach. I promise myself to continue to eat raw foods but I will not be overeating anymore.

My first GIGANTIC salad. Can I finish it?…

YESSS!!! (3 Hours later)
Social Media and My Blog
As soon as I finished eating I went back to the community room. I got on my phone and got to work on my Instagram account. I haven’t worked on it much over the past months and I think it would be good to help it grow a bit more. I am not sure how this will benefit me in the future but it still seems like something I need to do.
After getting bored of that I grabbed my computer and started to work on this blog. My friends are also in the room, there are two couples having their own private conversations and a group of five having a lively discussion about all sorts of things. I feel like I did enough talking today and felt like being on my own. Once again I am grateful for this blog, it benefits me in multiple ways, even if no one reads it. =D
Intense Yoga and Much Love
I decided to pull out a yoga mat and set it up on the corner of the community room. I got my headphones out of my bag and placed some music on my ears.
I dropped into a dedicated practice. Focused, with my attention within. I moved through a series of poses, holding long and deep breaths. Moving slowly, precisely, feeling in tune.
After some minutes of moving I came to a sited position. Wrist wresting on my knees, hands with a mudra. I practiced some pranayama, a yoga-qigong blend. It felt intense and yet, simple, beautiful and filled with care.
It was an enjoyable practice, the best I had in a while. I felt safe in the space, despite all the people around. I felt respected, honored, admired, by others and myself. I also felt myself, taking on the role I take, and each other, playing their part.
It took me a while to come out of meditation, I had to drop out slowly. I laid in shavasana for a while and then sat again. I turned off my music and did three silent Oms. I thanked all my teachers, the good and the bad. Then I got up, place my yoga mat back on the rack and went back to writing this blog.
It is a beautiful night, everything in its rightful place. Everything moving at its own pace. The night is dark, our life is bright. My heart is filled with love.