Vegan Rookie Mistakes – Why I Chose to Eat Some Cheese :( (Not Feeling Proud or Happy about it)
This was another day where the fruitarian bodybuilder was not a fruitarian/vegan or a bodybuilder, but a human who makes...
This was another day where the fruitarian bodybuilder was not a fruitarian/vegan or a bodybuilder, but a human who makes...
Are we fruitarian? Are we breatharian? Are we lovearian? Maybe all the above? Progressing with My Fruitarian Experiment I came...
It is interesting to see where the fruitarian diet has taken me. This world and its wonders work in ways...
We all know it is not easy to follow a fruitarian diet. It is not easy to follow a raw...
Today was my second day following a strict fruitarian diet in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. I woke up around 9 a.m. after...
After 30 hours of non-stop traveling this fruitarian bodybuilder finally made it to Vilcabamba, Ecuador. I came here because I...
I am at the airport heading over to Quito Ecuador to find a place where I can get plenty of...
Fruitarian bodybuilding challenge goes on as I try to eat as much fruit and only fruit as possible while exercising...
Fruitarianism for weight loss is such a clear choice. Now that I am on day 6 of my fruitarian muscle...
This is my 5th day on the fruitarian muscle building challenge I got into. This is my second attempt to...
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