Today was my 6th day in Vilcabamaba, a mellow day, but I learned a lot. I already made a blog and video about my fruitarian diet experience so this blog will focus on philosophy and life. I want to talk about the Hare Krishna movement and how I related to it over the past few days.
We have been reading texts from the Vedic scriptures and I have been learning a lot. As I listen to them, they make sense and resonate as true or possible true but it is interesting that I do get the same feeling when I listen to other sources of info from Christian, fruitarianism, or anything else that resonates as true.
I don’t understand how people can hear one version of truth and be convinced for a lifetime. When I hear these truths I am fascinated and captivated. I see them as opportunities to learn and explore more of a field I have not previously considered. However, I can never stick to any ideology for too long, I always move on to the next thing, which sometimes contradicts the previous ideas.
Luckily for me some ideas from fruitarianism are similar to the Hare Krishna movement, such as respecting animal lives, however, fruitarianism is based on veganism and the Hare Krishna movement follows a vegetarian diet.
Does that mean that vegans look down on the diet of Hare Krishnas? But then the Hare Krishnas look down on vegans because their diet is not based on ancient text. Who has the truth? No one knows. Do we trust the 5,000 years old scriptures or the new scientific based vegan ideas we now face?
To me, at this point, truth in those terms no longer serves. I have gone beyond all that, to a place I know where intellectual ideas and behavioral patterns based on other people’s texts or studies don’t hold so much weight. I rather follow my inner guidance, whatever it may be.